Hi! I’m Pearl!

I’m an artist working in NE Minneapolis to create art that combines expression and style.

I’m a reader, writer, thrifter, and maker. I’m always learning and always expanding.

I was born in Saint Paul, was a high school level English teacher for seven years- and I’ve done some serious growing and changing since then. I still work in education and still have a heart for supporting local public teachers. I donate 10% of my profits to local Donors Choose projects aimed at building literacy and causes linked to racial and gender equity.

I can’t just pick one form or niche, but all of my work has themes of reading and writing, magic, expression, sustainability, and personal sovereignty through style and image.

My current interests include photography, jewlery making, and creating couture inspired thrift flips. You can see snapshots of my work below, and then get a deeper look in my ‘work’ section.